segunda-feira, 1 de agosto de 2011

All Faces Of The Same Man

Insisto nesta obra-prima.
O cinema tem a capacidade de aplacar os espíritos mais inquietos.

What's this war in the heart of nature ?                   
Why does nature vie with itself?
The land contend with the sea?
ls there an avenging power in nature?
Not one power, but two?
l remember my mother when she was dying   
Looked all shrunk up and gray.
l asked her if she was afraid.          
She just shook her head.  
l was afraid to touch the death l seen in her.
I heard people talk about immortality,
but I ain't seen it.
l wondered how it'd be when l died.
What it'd be like to know that this breath now
was the last one you was ever gonna draw.
l just hope l can meet it the same way she did.
With the same... calm.
Cos that's where it's hidden -
the immortality l hadn't seen.

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